Hi! My name is Chiaki Asahara!
Author: Anonymous posted: Jan. 25, 2017.
Hi there! My name is Chiaki Asahara and I am Dr. Wong’s Lead Assistant at his office. I started working with Dr. Wong in September of 2016 and so far, it’s been a great environment to be in! I came onboard with Dr. Wong to learn as much as I could about dentistry because I want to be a dentist someday.
Dr. Wong has already taught me a ton about the in’s and out’s of dentistry and I hope to take that with me into my career. Dr. Wong asked me to keep a blog of my journey into dental school because he said it would be neat for me to read back about my path to being a dentist. He also said it would be a good way for patients to learn more about me and create personal bonds, which he says is paramount to earning the trust of patients.
So I’ll be here every two weeks or so writing about my experiences, my anecdotes, and also my insights to dentistry as a young, prospective dentist. Please follow me on my journey and I hope to meet you in real life at the office soon!